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Bettering Education - BE Exceptional Workshop

Writer's picture: Vinnie ChiefVinnie Chief

Updated: Aug 8, 2021

The first Workshop of this year was a true success!

We had remarkable guests: Saffron Hocking, Shocka and Harry Pinero!

Our 18 attendees were a bit gloomy as some felt a bit sceptical as to what the day was going to enlighten them with, but soon all the gloom faded and sunshine started to rise in each and everyone of their faces as they acknowledged the excitement of working with the chosen guests, who were none other than people they follow in real life as set examples to go by.

As the ice broke and smiles started to pop out in each and every one of the bright uncomprehended faces of the young persons that attended. The day became simple and super joyful as one can grasp from the honest smiles of everyone attending.

It was a great surprise for them to see who the guests were. This was absolutely grand to see them going from grumpy and defensive to smiley and open to the opportunity. Which was to learn leadership skills such as: teamwork.

Amongst this learning they would experience an assessment of their weaknesses and strengths. This was a powerful and educational lesson for them.

The guests embraced their teams with so much love that it became a matter of dignity to have them win the ‘competition’. A true beautiful moment as each one spoke of their team members with so much care and regard.

Vinnie and Morvialee were exceptional in transforming the day into a memorable one as they lead us all to the positive outcome it turned out to be.

The attendees left with smiles and an ease that really made us all proud of a great day! Utterly and completely worth every effort made by the BE Exceptional team!

I believe I can definitely say that we nailed it big time! BE rocks!

By Amelia

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